Registration & Information
Sign Up for New Era Running Camp Today!
New Era Running Camps are going right now, and you join at any time. We welcome you, your goals, and it’s our job to either get you running (if you aren’t) or get you in far better running condition/shape than you’ve been for a very long time (if ever).
We welcome you to register!

Frequently Asked Questions
A running camp/group in Placentia, CA where we’ll meet at least three times weekly to improve running form, strength, speed, and endurance.
We’ll start from wherever you are and guarantee to help you meet your goals quickly and efficiently.
- We won’t let you get injured.
- We won’t let you overdo it.
- We’ll make sure you get just the right challenge you need to be running (or starting with jogging).
- We’ve helped hundreds of runners (experienced and inexperienced) reach all-time personal bests in distances from the 400m dash to marathons.
- You’ll have more energy, more endurance, and be a stronger runner than you ever thought you might be (or perhaps regain what once was lost years before).
- And for those who it is important – yes, you will absolutely lose weight if that is part of your goals.
Here’s the bold statement – there is no exercise in this world like running to get you the physical appearance you’ve always wanted.
New Era Running Camps are not designed to make your hurt, breathe so hard your lungs feel like they’ll burst, or sweat until everything is “burning” and you’re close to passing out. We’ll force you to take it easy when it is needed, and we’ll push you a bit when that is needed.
New Era Running Camps will not wear you down calorically so that there is nothing left of you. If your running form breaks down due to fatigue and an unhealthy caloric deficit, so will you, and it isn’t worth it now, or in the long run. Trust us, the long run will catch up to you if you don’t run within yourself at the right level each day.
Near, around, over, and through Placentia Sports Park in Placentia at the corner of Alta Vista and Jefferson Streets at 5:30 am Tuesdays and Thursdays, and 6:30 am Saturdays each month (excluding major holidays and/or school/bank holidays, in most cases).
Whether your goal is to be able to do more than just walk, run without stopping for longer periods, run longer and faster for any distance (from a few minutes to hours), or to just get in some good speedwork or athletic/fitness conditioning we will adapt the distances/durations, the rest periods, the intensity, and the surfaces/environment to meet your needs each session. No two runners, unless they are very, very similar, will do the exact training as any other runner on a given day.
Each day is different (always), but we will make use of hills, the track, barefoot running on the grass, stairs, and general neighborhood and park environments.
We will use steady-state runs, fartleks, high-intensity intervals, long-slow distance (LSD) runs, backward and lateral running (as needed), and occasionally play running-type games to make running fun while also getting in a tremendous training session (we don’t like the word “workout” as we always want to have a plan and a purpose for every training day and “workout” can be, and often is, randomly performed.
Following online registration you will be taken to a landing page and sent an email as follow-up. You may also register by phone, by calling us at 949-491-6751, if you wish. You will then need to complete the Health History Questionnaire, PAR-Q, and other basic forms to either email to us or bring with you on your 1st day of camp (as long as you do not have any pre-existing health conditions or concerns).
- Wear clothing that will be slightly cool. You don’t want to wear something warm and comfortable to start only to find that it is way too warm/hot once you get going. When in doubt, layer with light clothing layers.
- For shoes, wear running-specific shoes that are preferably 6 months old or less. You can wear a pair of shoes for longer, but every day after 6 months is walking/jogging/running/sprinting on a less supportive shoe (in all likelihood) that may increase the probability of improper running form/technique or injury (which we don’t think is worth the cost to you).
- Bring a water bottle with at least 24-32 oz of water (or multiple bottles) so that you can hydrate as needed.
$179 for one full month of running camp training. All New Era Running Camps are Tuesday-Thursday (5:30-6:30 am) and Saturday (6:30-7:30 am). Whether you are trying to get fit/lean out, trying to lose weight, preparing for a running event from the 400m dash to the marathon, or just looking to get outside, get moving and get healthy, you will be glad you came (even if we are up before other more sane people).
What you can and cannot do is up to you. The more frequently you can make it to class, the more you will improve your health, fitness, conditioning, and performance.
You are paying for a month of class, not per class, so there are no carryovers for missed classes or opportunities to makeup classes the successive month.
One of the greatest challenges in beginning a new program is trying to determine if the class will either be far too easy or far too hard. We pride ourselves in finding the right level of intensity for you based upon taking you one step further than you currently are now. The goal is for you to improve on a consistent basis, again and again, not to peak and then not go further or keep you from your potential.
It’s our job to make sure you improve, in all facets of your goals, and not to let you stagnate or get worn out.
If in doubt, you can always take the single session option ($25 for one single class) to see if New Era Running Camps are the right running training for you and to see our style of coaching and training. To be honest, one day never tells you enough, in our opinion, but you are always welcome to take this option if it serves your wants and needs at this time.
Join us!
Join New Era Running Camp Here!
New Era Running Camp Enrollment (Stripe)
NOTE: There will be no running camps on major holidays/school or bank holidays.